You have received a piercing by a professional body piercer in a clean, safe, environment using sterile jewelry and aseptic technique…. this is the first step to a healthy body piercing! The rest is now up to you! Following these recommendations will help your piercing heal as smoothly as possible!


During the first few weeks of healing, it’s likely that you will experience the following at the site of the piercing: swelling, minor pain and tenderness, discharge of a clear or cloudy fluid, light bruising and/or bleeding. It is not uncommon for the discharge to persist for several months with slower healing piercings.
These are very normal. You may experience none, some or all to a degree and still have a very healthy piercing. Piercings heal from the outside in; while your new piercing may begin to appear healed, it is still healing on the inside for the duration of the healing process.



Always wash your hands before cleaning your piercing.


Hold the canister a few inches away and spray the front and back exit wounds for a few seconds. Piercings should only be cleaned with sterile 0.9% saline. It is an isotonic solution; it neither over hydrates or dehydrates your skin, which causes minimum disruption to the wound healing process. Do not apply soaps, creams, oils or alcohol based products. They are not isotonic and will cause disruption to this type of wound healing. We recommend NeilMed Piercing Aftercare.


Apply 1-2 times a day; under or over cleaning can delay healing or cause irritation.


 Use foam tip applicators to clean around your piercing and remove any build up or discharge. Foam tip applicators do not have the fibers that q-tips have that can adhere to your piercing and promote bacteria growth.


Thoroughly dry your piercing after each cleaning using a dry paper towel or clean blow dryer.

What to do

What not to do

DO drink lots of water, get enough rest, and eat vitamin rich foods.

DO return to the shop to downsize your jewelry at the recommended time.

DO change your bedding/pillowcases regularly.

DO wash your hands before cleaning your piercing.

DO make sure your piercing is completely dry after cleaning/ before going to bed.

DO cover your piercings when receiving professional services such as haircuts/color to avoid snagging and exposure to harsh chemicals.

DO wait the entire recommended time before changing out your jewelry, we want to make sure your piercing is healed first!

DO come ask us for help if you have any concerns about your piercing or any questions! We are here to help!

DON’T touch, twist, pick at, or remove the jewelry while the piercing is healing.

DON’T use any harsh chemicals, soaps, oils, or ointments on a piercing. Products like Bactine, Dial, alcohol, peroxide, neosporin, etc., can greatly impede the healing process and can cause damage. Also avoid cosmetics, facial cleanser, acne medications, tanning oils, lotions, moisturizers, or hair products.

DON’T sleep on your piercing until after it is downsized at the earliest (airplane neck pillows really help for healing ear piercings!) or sleep with wet hair.

DON’T go swimming or submerge your piercing in water while it is healing (A minimum of 3 months for slower healing piercings such as navel, cartilage or nipples.)

DON’T over clean; 1-2x a day is perfect; excessive cleaning can impede healing.

DON’T wear low quality jewelry; switching to lower quality jewelry can cause problems even in a healthy piercing.

DON’T expose your piercing to excessive animal dander or fur during the healing process.

Don’t Touch!

Each time you touch your piercing, you are introducing bacteria to the wound. Do not twist, turn, pick at or remove the jewelry; this can interrupt the healing process, prevent new skin cells from forming, and can cause irritation bumps to form.

Downsizing your piercing:

Most types of piercings are initially installed with a longer post to leave room for any swelling that may occur. After the swelling subsides and your piercing is healing and healthy, it is time to downsize the post for a better fit and to prevent snagging, bumps, or migration. There is no one size fits all timeline; your piercer will let you know when the best time to come back in for a downsize.

Additional Care
For Oral Piercings

What to do

DO rinse your mouth with an alcohol-free mouthwash after eating, and with plain water after drinking. This should be done for the first 2-4 weeks.

DO get a new toothbrush and brush your teeth and tongue 2 times a day, after the first week, also carefully brush your jewelry to avoid plaque build up.

DO place ice chips or shaved ice in your mouth to melt to help with swelling.

DO make sure you downsize your posts/bars at the time recommended from your piercer. Failure to do so can result in complications including dental damage.

What not to do

AVOID drinking alcohol for the first 2-4 weeks of your healing period. Alcohol can increase swelling and bleeding.

AVOID or reduce smoking of any type. Smoking can prolong the healing process regardless of what you smoke.

AVOID hot, spicy, acidic, or crunchy foods during the first 2-4 weeks. Smaller bites and softer foods will be easiest to eat the first week.

AVOID drinking out of a straw the first 2-3 days with tongue piercings to avoid pain.

AVOID vigorous oral activity the first 2-4 weeks.

AVOID any activities where you will be sharing germs/bacteria with another person during the first 2-4 weeks such as sharing drinks.

DON’T expose your piercing to excessive animal dander or fur during the healing process.

Non-Emergency Complications

Piercings are slow healing wounds; we are placing a foreign object in our body and expecting it to heal around it. Complications can occur for various reasons; it is important to be as honest and detailed as possible with your piercer so that we can do our best to help you. If you experience any piercing bumps, minor signs of infection, improperly fitting jewelry, swelling, new redness or irritation after the inital healing period, or if there is any trauma or irritation from external sources, please review our aftercare page on our website and contact us ASAP for help and advice.

Emergency Complications

Contact a physician if any of the following symptoms occur: fever, severe swelling, embedded jewelry, red streaks going from the procedure site toward the heart, and/or green or yellow discharge that is foul in odor. If you feel your piercing is in a state of emergency or you are experience multiple signs of infection, seek medical help.

Disclaimer: We are not doctors, and any information is not intended to be presented as medical advice. The information listed is based on the experience of our staff along with that of other professionals in this industry.